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MANE Shanghai Phase II Expansion Now Open

MANE (Shanghai) Fragrances & Flavours Co., Ltd. announces the opening of the second phase of its plant located in the city’s Baoshan District.


With the Phase II expansion, MANE has effectively tripled the size of both R&D and manufacturing facilities in China. The expanded office building includes a state-of-the-art Sensory & Consumer Insight Centre to serve both Flavours and Fragrances activities. This places MANE in a unique position to ‘capture what moves’ Chinese consumers, and identify the changing fragrance and flavour trends in this very dynamic market.
The spacious new flavour R&D Centre features various facilities such as brand new Savoury Application laboratories equipped with a professional Kitchen & Culinary Lab, a Seasoning Lab and a Dining Room. Sweet Goods, Oral Care as well as Tobacco Laboratories have all been expanded and upgraded.

With Phase II’s new production facilities, the plant’s total capacity is estimated to increase by 200%, reaching upwards of 7,000 tons per year. This increased production capacity is to meet the continually growing demand of both the Chinese and Korean markets. Customers will benefit from additional manufacturing flexibility and reduced lead time, as numerous production workshops have been extended or added. The latter include the Seasoning Powder Production Workshop, which has been equipped with an advanced blending system, Spray Driers for encapsulated flavours and Flavour Paste Production.

"We are proud of the growth of MANE in China,” said Mr. Jean MANE, President and CEO of MANE. “The Phase II new facilities are a unique tool to further build upon our presence and work more closely with customers. I look forward to expanded cooperation with our customers and partners in China and Korea, creating a meaningful future together.”


2014年4月,法国曼氏在华独资企业 - 坐落于上海宝山城市工业园区的曼氏(上海)香精香料有限公司(下文简称曼氏上海)二期扩建项目全面完工并正式投入使用。

扩建后的曼氏上海总建筑面积达13030㎡,研发及生产设施规模与一期相比扩充了三倍。崭新的曼氏上海二期旨在为客户提供更优质、更多元化的服务。 全新建立的感官分析和消费者研究中心配备沙龙、迷你超市等多种设施,用于洞察消费者心声,把握市场脉搏,捕捉香气及口味的未来发展趋势;扩建的咸味研发中心涵盖现代化厨房、调味料实验室、烹调实验室以及餐厅,开发多种咸味产品,满足市场的需求;日化香精应用实验室、食品香精焙烤实验室、饮料和乳品应用实验室、口腔护理应用实验室、烟草香精应用实验室等设施及能力都得到了全面的扩展和提升。


“我们对在中国稳健的成长深感骄傲,” 法国曼氏总裁兼首席执行官Jean MANE先生说到,“曼氏上海二期工程将成为我们与客户亲密合作的新基石,我期待借此能与我们中国及韩国的客户和合作商们建立更全面深入的合作,共同创造一个充满意义的未来。”