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NEEDS : - action : result page URI - address : current search - ditances : array distances #}The world is our universe
- 7500+ People
39 Countries
29 Manufacturing sites
50 R&D Innovation centres
5 Kancor
Europe, Middle-East & Africa
- 28 Sales Offices
- 24 Innovation Centers
- 8 Manufacturing Sites
- 1 Fine Fragrance Studio
- 13 Sales Offices
- 8 Innovation Centers
- 7 Manufacturing Sites
- 2 Fine Fragrance Studio
- 22 Sales Offices
- 16 Innovation Centers
- 14 Manufacturing Sites
- 4
Europe, Middle-East & Africa
- Sales Office
- Innovation centres
- Manufacturing sites
MANE in Asia
- Sales Office
- Innovation centre
- Manufacturing site
- Fine Fragrance Studio
- Kancor